How Zero Waste Education works
The Zero Waste Education (ZWE) programme has been educating children about the topic of sustainable resource use since 1993. This award- winning programme is now offered to over 500 schools throughout New Zealand to students in years 1-8 each year.
Additionally there are three units for preschools. Note that these are only available in some council areas across New Zealand. Contact our office to learn more.
If your school is offered Zero Waste Education, it is provided by your council and usually from the Waste Levy funds. This free Council programme enables children to investigate the link between the earth’s natural resources, the products they use and see around them and the resulting waste (natural resources we no longer want) that pollutes our environment.
This comprehensive program consists of different units each focusing on a specific solution to our waste problem. As the units alternate each year students will constantly receive new material. They will have received preschool plus 9 school units by the time they leave Year 8.