Resource Sustainability & Water
Waste Education Units for Years 7 & 8

Resource Sustainability Unit
Natural resources – renewable and non-renewable – are the focus of this Year 7/8 level unit. Students investigate how the production systems we currently use are affecting our ability to conserve our natural resources for future generations. Alternatives to these linear forms of production are offered as well as insights into more sustainable business practices such as replacing waste streams with clean streams.
Water Unit
Water is one of the most precious natural resources on our planet. In this unit students investigate how water is ‘made’ through the water cycle, how we use this water and what happens to the water we no longer want – waste water and stormwater. Water conservation and our role in the prevention of water pollution through stormwater protection complete this unit aimed at the Year 7/8 student level.
All units are supported by workbooks / worksheets, interactive games and activities, DVD’s, relevant photos and website references